Monday, August 25, 2014

Seventh grade life science Aug 25-Aug 29

 August 25

  Set up notebooks with quick write pocket

                                Starting today, each morning a "quick write" will be posted.  As soon as     the  bell rings-you need to be in your seat with the quick write paper out and start answering the prompt.   Tomorrows quick write  will be written right under today's quick write.  Each response needs to be at least 5 thoughtful, detailed sentences, unless different instructions are given.

                                Quick Write:  What are some rules that need to be made so that a group works together well as a team?  What are some issues that might come up and ways to solve them?
                                Marblous challenge

    HW: None, unless title page assignment was not completed

August 26 
QW: Explain what worked well and what didn't during the marblous challenge.  What could be done differently in order to better accomplish the task?  did  your team cooperate as you had hoped?

Revise marblous challenge and retest
class photos/ develop class rules 

Homework: Have parents look over and sign both class syllabus and Big Chico Creek field trip permission slip.  class expectations 2014 2015  seventh grade life science course 2014 2015
field trip permission slip

 August  27

QW:  Write a paragraph that explains what important rules need to be in place for you to enjoy class and be successful.

community service log

Homework:Ensure paperwork is signed

August 28

QW:  Based on your groups discussion yesterday, what are the TOP 3 most important rules to you and why?

Classroom Rules
Goals (Letter and t-shirt)

  • Finish t-shirt

August 29

QW: Identify two short term and two long term goals. (one of each for school and for your personal life)

computer lab
institutions to help  you achieve long term goals
name, location, programs offered, logo or design, school colors


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