Friday, September 30, 2016

October 3-7, 2016

Monday Oct 3, 2016
Due today: nothing
QW:   What are some benefits of dissecting?  Why teach it?

Intro to microscopes
Draw, label, purposes
microscope rules
learn the parts of a microscope and rules
microscope test Wed.-must get 90% or better to use microscopes

Tuesday Oct 4, 2016
Due today: nothing

QW: Name as many parts of a microscope as you remember and what each part does.

microscope history
microscope poem

study all things microscope

Wednesday Oct 5, 2016
Due Today:  know parts, uses and rules for microscope


QW:  microscope test postponed until Thurs
science news abstract

Homework: science news abstract due Oct  28, 2016

Thursday Oct 6, 2016
Due Today:  all about microscopes

Quick write:  Draw and label a microscope- It doesn't need to look pretty.
microscope test - 90% or above required to use microscopes
Homework:  none

Friday Oct 7, 2016

QW: Describe what you think a newsprint "e" might look like under a microscope.

SSR take survey

Turn in QW
 microscope lab
compound microscopes

next week  what living things are made of

Monday, September 26, 2016

September 26, 2016-September 30,2016

Monday Sept. 26, 2016
Due today: nothing
QW: How did things go each day with the sub?  Give details
wrap up nervous system
tests back - optional retake Friday at lunch

Tuesday Sept. 27, 2016
QW:  How does your vision work with your brain?  Make your best guesses.

Due Today: 


How do lenses work? How the the eye function?

read the section about vision, textbook p  63 and 64   draw the eye and one of the diagrams for vision problems in your notebook on p 15
draw, color and label both  the eyes-due Thursday

Wednesday Sept. 28, 2016
Due Today: 


QW:  Draw a diagram that shows how and why a magnifying lens can eventually burn something.

watch an eye dissection

Discuss, then how a microscope works

textbook p           draw it in your notebook on p   draw, color and label the eye-due Thursday

Thursday Sept.29, 2016
Due Today: sketch of eye-colored and labeled

Quick write:
Describe the cow eye IN SCIENTIFIC TERMS ONLY

preview water quality monitoring
Walk to Creek On Friday during science

Homework:  none

Friday Sept. 30, 2016

QW: none
walk to creek during science


next week  microscope use and rules-microscope rules quiz on Wednesday -must get 90% in order to use microscopes

Friday, September 16, 2016

September 19, 2016 -September 23, 2016

Monday Sept. 19, 2016Due today: nothing, unless you have not completed the dendrite analysis or the reflection
QW: What parts of the brain does a bike helmet cover?  Use your brain cap to find out.

plan, build, test, revise pasta helmet
complete vocabulary definitions, your own words and sketches  due Tuesday

Tuesday Sept. 20, 2016
Due today:  vocab terms

How or why might a bike helmet be designed differently then a construction hard hat?

begin engineering mannequin helmets- plan, design, budget and build.  It must be able to be removed for the next day. 

Test Friday: dendrite growth, vocab terms, parts of the brain

Wednesday Sept. 21, 2016
Due Today: nothing


test mannequin helmets, improve, retest, clean up

Test Friday: dendrite growth, vocab terms, parts of the brain

Thursday Sept.22, 2016
Due Today: nothing 

Quick write:
What did you learn from the brain and helmet lessons?
Review for test-game show 

Test Friday: dendrite growth, vocab terms, parts of the brain

Friday Sept. 23, 2016

Due Today: knowledge about dendrites, learning, and the brain

Test today, when done with test get out reading book


Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sept. 12-Sept 16, 2016

Monday Sept. 12, 2016

Due today: nothing

QW:  Draw and label 3 neurons  in a row with their dendrites almost touching the axons of the one next to it.  (check your notes if needed)

finish graphing and complete dendrite analysis

Reflection on dendrite growth and learning
p 4 in notebook  must always include color and a connection (which is circled)
Due Wed.

HONORS Science same homework AND annotation of New York Times article on exercise and memory due Tuesday

Sept. 13, 2016

Due today:  Honors-article annotation


parts of the brain and nervous system
research, label and design brain caps
brain texture

Reflection on dendrite growth and learning
p 4 in notebook  must always include color and a connection (which is circled)
Due Wed. (postponed until Thursday)

Wednesday Sept. 14, 2016

Due today:  reflection on dendrites and learning

Quick write: make a Venn diagram comparing the central and peripheral nervous systems

story of Phinneus Gage
 brain cap and functions

dendrite analysis and conclusion

Thursday Sept.15, 2016

Due Today:  reflection
Quick write: Explain 3 things you've heard about the brain

parts of the brain functions 
begin pasta helmet

dendrite lab analysis and conclsion questions-taped on p 6, put answers below p 6

Friday Sept. 16, 2016

Due Today: nothing

QW: How do helmets work?

test, revise helmets and identify what areas of the brain would be damaged. 


complete vocabulary definitions, your own words and sketches  due Tuesday

Friday, September 2, 2016

Sept 5, 2016 -Sept 9, 2016

Monday Sept. 5, 2016

Due today: nothing

Enjoy the day

Using maze, test 3 others outside of class, 3 times each.  Record times and record your observations of their strategies. Due Tuesday.

HONORS Science same


Sept. 6, 2016

Due today:  maze results

QW:  Summarize some of the interesting things  you observed with others going through  your maze

Lab conclusion:  Answer prompts in notebook-BELOW-data table.  Tape an additional 1/2 sheet of lined paper to p 2 if needed.

Notes on neurons

model a sensory message

level 2 mazes
test 2 people on your maze, 3 times each.  This time use positive or negative reinforcement and record comments.

Wednesday Sept. 7, 2016

Due today:  nothing

Quick write: 

Copy the drawing of a neuron


Research at UC Berkeley- learning
lab-measuring dendrite growth


Thursday Sept. 8, 2016

Due Today:   maze with 2 others-giving prompts


quick write:  Describe the path a message takes when I get stung by a mosquito make sure you use the three types of neurons.

Complete dendrite lab, discuss results and what it means

HONOR: research article-annotate and prepare for discussion on Friday


begin testing mazes

Friday Sept. 9, 2016

Due Today: nothing

QW:  What conditions do  you think might allow the rats to learn the best?  Space, toys, friends?  Why?
finish dendrite graphing

reflection on mazes and brain growth so far

Sept 5, 2016 -Sept 9, 2016

Monday Sept. 5, 2016

Due today: nothing

Enjoy the day

Using maze, test 3 others outside of class, 3 times each.  Record times and record your observations of their strategies. Due Tuesday.

HONORS Science same


Sept. 6, 2016

Due today:  maze results

QW:  Summarize some of the interesting things  you observed with others going through  your maze

Lab conclusion:  Answer prompts in notebook-BELOW-data table.  Tape an additional 1/2 sheet of lined paper to p 2 if needed.

Notes on neurons

model a sensory message

level 2 mazes
test 2 people on your maze, 3 times each.  This time use positive or negative reinforcement and record comments.

Wednesday Sept. 7, 2016

Due today:  nothing

Quick write: 

Copy the drawing of a neuron


Research at UC Berkeley- learning
lab-measuring dendrite growth


Thursday Sept. 8, 2016

Due Today:   maze with 2 others-giving prompts


quick write:  Describe the path a message takes when I get stung by a mosquito make sure you use the three types of neurons.

Complete dendrite lab, discuss results and what it means

HONOR: research article-annotate and prepare for discussion on Friday


begin testing mazes

Friday Sept. 9, 2016

Due Today: nothing

QW:  What conditions do  you think might allow the rats to learn the best?  Space, toys, friends?  Why?
finish dendrite graphing

reflection on mazes and brain growth so far