Monday, September 26, 2016

September 26, 2016-September 30,2016

Monday Sept. 26, 2016
Due today: nothing
QW: How did things go each day with the sub?  Give details
wrap up nervous system
tests back - optional retake Friday at lunch

Tuesday Sept. 27, 2016
QW:  How does your vision work with your brain?  Make your best guesses.

Due Today: 


How do lenses work? How the the eye function?

read the section about vision, textbook p  63 and 64   draw the eye and one of the diagrams for vision problems in your notebook on p 15
draw, color and label both  the eyes-due Thursday

Wednesday Sept. 28, 2016
Due Today: 


QW:  Draw a diagram that shows how and why a magnifying lens can eventually burn something.

watch an eye dissection

Discuss, then how a microscope works

textbook p           draw it in your notebook on p   draw, color and label the eye-due Thursday

Thursday Sept.29, 2016
Due Today: sketch of eye-colored and labeled

Quick write:
Describe the cow eye IN SCIENTIFIC TERMS ONLY

preview water quality monitoring
Walk to Creek On Friday during science

Homework:  none

Friday Sept. 30, 2016

QW: none
walk to creek during science


next week  microscope use and rules-microscope rules quiz on Wednesday -must get 90% in order to use microscopes

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