Monday, October 20, 2014

Agenda 10/20/14 - 10/24/14

Agenda October 20-October 24

October 20, 2014
QW  What are some things made of cells?  What are some things that are NOT made of cells?  Explain your reasoning.
Work on cell drawings
Whiteboard groups
      " A cell is like a .... castle, or spaceship or plane in flight"
    Compare organelles to the parts of that object that match in function.

     Cell drawings, colored, with key and organelle functions, due Wed.

     Cell QUIZ on Thursday
      organelles and their functions

October 21, 2014
QW Using the three cell diagrams on the smartboard, try to identify which organelles each is pointing to.
group activity-cell analogies to items in zip lock bags
Introduce 3-D model
make flashcards for quiz
Homework:  Cell drawing due Wed.
  QUIZ on Thursday

October 22, 2014
Review structures and functions
Introduce "why do we eat?"

Homework: study for quiz
   work on 3-D model

October 23, 2014
Cell structure and function quiz

October 24, 2014
Food labels-what do they mean
food nutrients=cell nutrients

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