Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday April 24, 2017- Friday April 28, 2017

Monday April 24, 2017
Due today: nothing  science news due Friday
QW:  Examine graph and write some of  your interpretations of it.

seating change
begin classification

Tuesday April 25 , 2017
Due today: model drawn

QW: Why look at foraminifera?
 Finish microscope lab

Draw a model of how the microfossils ended up in a sediment core

How organisms are organized
notes, classification

Homework: Science News for April due  Friday 

Wednesday 26, 2017
Due today: nothing

QW:  List 5 animals, now order them from most similar to least similar.  Explain why you organized them the way you did.

Classification order

What is a species?

Homework: Science News for April due Friday 

Thursday April 27 , 2017  
Due today:  nothing

QW: How are your kitchen cupboards organized?  Write or draw the organization.

classification notes and comparing

Science News for April due last Friday in April

Friday April 28, 2017
Due Today: science news abstract 

QW: How is our school organized?  Write or draw your explanation.

begin classification drawing and  naming

Homework: nothing

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