Sunday, June 4, 2017

Monday June 5, 2017-Wednesday June 7, 2017

Monday June 5, 2017

QW: Quick talk- discuss the pro's and con's of dissecting in a science class

Intro to frog dissection 
frog dissection visual instructions link

Identify exterior structures
Remove skin from abdomen and legs to identify muscles

Place in labeled plastic bag and clean up.

Yellow goals sheet turned in from anyone who was absent last week, and QW May

Anyone wanting to improve their goals worksheet-must come in at lunch today to do so.

Tuesday June 6, 2017
Due today: notebooks-I will trade points for some well organized, neat notebooks


Following lab instructions, cut frog and identify 
a)  digestive system structures
follow each step,using the check sheet to identify structures, you must show me you have completed one section before moving on to the next.

Mrs PD must check you off before you continue to circulatory and excretory systems.

Turn in Checklist for credit.

Wednesday June 7, 2017
Due today: nothing

QW:   P,N,I (positive, negatives, interesting and improvements)
restroom passes in for extra credit, frog coloring in for credit

Have a wonderful summer and come and see me in August!