Thursday, February 15, 2018

Agenda Tuesday February 20, 2018-Friday February 23, 2018

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-5.Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms. 
MS-LS3-1.Develop and use a model to describe why structural changes to genes (mutations) located on chromosomes may affect proteins and may result in harmful, beneficial, or neutral effects to the structure and function of the organism.
MS-LS3-2.Develop and use a model to describe why asexual reproduction results in offspring with identical genetic information and sexual reproduction results in offspring with genetic variation. 
 Tuesday February 20, 2018
Image result for daniel hale williams
Dr. Daniel Hale Williams 1856-1931
Daniel Hale Williams was one of the first physicians to perform open-heart surgery in the United States and founded a hospital with an interracial staff.  Due to the discrimination of the day, African-American citizens were still barred from being admitted to hospitals and black doctors were refused staff positions. Firmly believing this needed to change, in May 1891, Williams opened Provident Hospital and Training School for Nurses, the nation’s first hospital with a nursing and intern program that had a racially integrated staff. (
Objective-How does DNA code for proteins and all structures?
Due today:nothing-tomorrow list of proteins in the home

We need an "ARCHIE" sitter for spring break
QW:  Record observations of plants in the data tables in your notebooks

Protein synthesis practice, begin game
3rd period- turn in science investigations, round table discussion of projects
begin graphic organizer tape to p 49  due Thursday

4th period Skype Joides
2nd and 4th permission slips for Wed. field trip

Homework: Find and list 6 foods in your home that have protein in them.  Record them on p 44 AND list the grams of protein in each  

Wednesday February 21, 2018
We need an "ARCHIE" sitter for spring break.
Objective-How does DNA code for proteins and all structures?

Due today:  nothing
Agenda: Chromebook slide show first period
QW: Using bullet points, write out the 4 steps for protein synthesis (you can use your notes).
DNA to protein game

Homework:   Use books p 176-179 to complete Protein synthesis graphic organizer  due Friday

Thursday February  22, 2018

Due today: nothing
Objective-How does DNA code for proteins and all structures?
QW:  Translate the following sequence from DNA to mRNA to tRNA
                 TAT CAT ATA CGT CAG TGA   OR

yellow sheet complete

Homework:   Use books p 176-179 to complete Protein synthesis graphic organizer  due Friday (1st period)

Friday February 23, 2018
Due today: graphic organizer
Objective-How does DNA code for proteins and all structures?
QW:  What might happen if protein synthesis codes incorrectly?

Check plants, make observations on asexual reproduction.

Using chromebooks, conduct online research.  Use the form in google classroom to answer all questions and SUBMIT to classroom.  

Web search for: genetic diseases, genetic disorders, or skin color.  You may choose another topic if the teacher clears it.

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