Friday, March 2, 2018

Agenda Monday March 5, 2018-Friday March 9, 2018

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-5.Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms. 
MS-LS3-2.Develop and use a model to describe why asexual reproduction results in offspring with identical genetic information and sexual reproduction results in offspring with genetic variation.

MS-LS2-2.Construct an explanation that predicts patterns of interactions among organisms across multiple ecosystems. 

 Monday March 5, 2018
Objective: To discover what  factors determine which genes are passed along to future generations.

QW:   Using your data table, write at least three sentences discussing what is happening to the brown colored mice living in the White Sands desert.  *you must use the words: traits (or phenotype), reproduction, and predators in your response.

What effect do the genes (for fur color)  inherited by the mice have on their survival?
Finish mouse lab:
Dark Forest Environment -whole class together

Claims, Evidence, Reasoning Conclusion
Natural selection video HHMI pocket mouse white 

 2nd,4th Changes on genetics assignment due Thursday

1st, 5th,6th Changes on genetics assignment due Friday

3rd period: Make changes to your science investigations, due tomorrow.

Tuesday March 6, 2018
Objective: To discover what  factors determine which genes are passed along to future generations.

We need an "ARCHIE" sitter for spring break

What is the message this cartoon is trying to communicate? Think adaptations, are they planned?


Introduce natural selection
bug simulation

Wednesday March 7, 2018
We need an "ARCHIE" sitter for spring break.
Objective: To discover what  factors determine which genes are passed along to future generations.

Due today:  nothing
   Explain how this demonstrates natural selection

set up bird beak lab
copy data table


Thursday March 8, 2018
Objective:  Determine how natural selection leads to adaptations in organisms.
Due today: nothing

QW: Draw a comic about natural selection with alleles in  2 different forms - where one form has an advantage in an environment.

Happy International Women's day!

Nci-vol-8247-300 flossie wong staal.jpg
Flossie Wong-Staal (b.1947):  is a Chinese born virologist and molecular biologist..  She escaped the Communist revolution in China with her family and moved to Hong Kong with her family.  She then moved to the States to attend UCLA, where she received her bachelors degree. She was the first scientist to clone HIV and then completed genetic mapping of the virus, a major step in proving that HIV is the cause of AIDS.  

Bird Beak lab data table 
model lab
begin Cornell notes
Homework: Finish Claims Evidence Reasoning Chart

Friday March 2, 2018
Objective: Determine how natural selection leads to adaptations in organisms.
Due today: nothing

QW: No quick write, review lab procedures (add island to data table).
Bird beak lab
bird beak discussion prompts/exit ticket 

Begin analysis- calculate beak success

Homework:  Changes on genetics assignment.
3rd period: Make changes to your science investigations, due next Tuesday.

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