Sunday, February 1, 2015

Agenda 2/ 2/2015-2/ 6,2015

February 2, 2015

Due Today:  nothing-continue working on data collection for science investigation

Quick Write

Quizes returned: optional retake Thurs at lunch

Begin kitty project
     pull alleles to determine features of your kitty
     new vocabulary:  genotype, phenotype

Homework:  biography of your kitty-due Wed,   2-3 paragraph fictional story; how you came to own your kitty, its personality, habits, toys,name

February 3, 2015

Due today: kitty biography

Quick Write

Partner with another kitty, record their genotype and phenotype, duplicate their features

draw Punnett squares for probability of offspring

Begin Cornell notes: chromosome theory of inheritance

Homework:  Cornell Notes: due Friday
                      continue working on science investigation

February 4, 2015

Due today:  kitty biography, continue working on science investigation

Quick Write:

Pull alleles for each of four offspring

Lecture:  chromosome theory of inheritance

Homework:  Draw features on each offspring, name each
                      Cornell Notes: Chromosome Theory of Inheritance

February 5, 2015

Due today:  nothing, work on science investigation


Quick Write

Go over Chromosome Theory of Inheritance

color kittens, share results

Homework:  Kitty Project summary  Due Tuesday Feb 10

February 6, 2015

Due today: nothing  data for science investigation due Feb 10


Quick Write
fashion a face


Homework:  Kitty Project Summary  Due Tues.,
                      Science Investigation data due Tues.

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