Monday, February 9, 2015

Agenda 2/9/2015-2/12/2015

February 9, 2015

Due today: nothing


Quick Write

Finish work:
a)  complete genotype and phenotype chart for 4 kittens, draw and color features on them
Begin analysis and conclusion (yellow half sheet to be taped to kitty book)

Due Wednesday

b)  complete "Fashion a face"  color it and turn it in, unless you are going to finish it at home and turn in on Tuesday
Homework:  Bring in data collected for science investigation
                 finish "Fashion a face"

February 10, 2015

Due today:"Fashion a face"


Quick Write

Discuss analyzing the kitty  project
Begin graphing data for science investigation

Homework:  Kitty Project analysis and Conclusion

February 11, 2015

Due today:Kitty Project

Quick Write

Go over Cornell notes

graphing data  and analyzing data

Homework:  write science investigation report- due next week

 February 12, 2015

Due Today:  nothing


Quick Write

Chromosomes and DNA lecture
Homework:  Complete science investigation-bring in draft on Feb 17, early turn in February 17 for extra credit.  Project due February 20.

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