Friday, August 26, 2016

August 29-September 2,2016

Monday August 29, 2016

Due today: materials for class

Quick Write:
What people and professions keep track of things in a notebook?

finish rules
seating chart
organize notebook
decorate my lab coat 

complete lab coat, name in center of back,cut out, decorate with min. 4 colors
due Wed.

HONORS Science 

Tuesday August 30, 2016

Due today: nothing


What are some ways you are going to plan to be successful this year in school, and in your life outside of school?
finish rules, class photo, and notebooks
 start tactile mazes
make data table for results and observations
(quantitative and qualitative)
vocab chart in notebook
test classmates 3 times


Wednesday August 31, 2016

Due today:  lab coats

Quick write: 
What are the 5 senses? How do you use them to learn? 


How We Learn-brain research
nervous system

test 3 others, 3-4 times each.  Record times and record your observations of their strategies. Due Monday.

Thursday September 1, 2016

Due Today:  1st period lab coats


quick write:

What experiences might affect your sense of touch?

Build maze, test 2 others in class and 3 others outside of class, 3-4 times each.  Record times and record your observations of their strategies. Due Monday.


begin testing mazes

Friday August 2, 2016

Due Today: nothing

QW: none, start testing

test mazes, brain notes, start vocab chart

maze tests with 3 others due Monday

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