Thursday, December 14, 2017

Agenda Monday December 18, 2017-Thursday December 21, 2017

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-5.Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms. 

Monday December 18, 2017

Due Today:  
QW:  What traits do you have in common with others in your household-physical or personality-even if you are not biologically related?  (Example-I have blue/grey eyes like my dad)

common genetic characteristics

gene wheel
check cancer  notes for CAUTION
Homework:  update notebook, study for Wednesdays test
photosynthesis, cell division (mitosis), cancer notes

Tuesday December 19, 2017

Due today: 
QW: Write out what are some of the warning signs for cancer?  

Review for test on Wednesday- photosynthesis, mitosis, cancer
Bingo and Kahoot

Wednesday December 20, 2017

Due today: 


Thursday December 21, 2017

Due today:  
 QW: What will be the most fun about our two week break for you?

Choose:  Build the tallest team tower  OR  Outdoor competitions
science carols

Friday, December 8, 2017

Agenda Monday December 11, 2017- Friday December 15, 2017

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-5.Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms. 

Monday December 11, 2017

Due Today:  community service hours 
check Cornell notes of cell duplication
QW:  How could you tell if cells were cancerous, while looking under a microscope?  Use complete sentences.  Prompts include:  I notice..., Differences between the cells include...


begin brochure or poster assignment- due Thursday
3rd period only- Skype summary of research due Tuesday
Homework: Cancer interview of 3 adults Due Tuesday
cancer brochure/poster due Thursday

Tuesday December 12, 2017

Due today: Cancer interview of 3 adults Due Tuesday
3- Skype summaries
QW:  None, check out chromebooks, start research as we compile charts
Begin compiling types of cancer charts

Homework: cancer brochure/poster due Thursday

Wednesday December 13, 2017

Due today: nothing
3rd- thank you to Dr. TerHorst  Chelsey
3 things you learned, 2 things that surprised you , 1 well wish.

finish poster/slide show

Homework: finish brochure/poster

Thursday December 14, 2017

Due today:  cancer brochure
 QW: What are some ways to treat cancer?

  Observations based on charts

Check seedlings-collect data

Homework: cancer presentations due tonight at 11:59pm.  Share with for full credit
Quiz next week on mitosis (cell division) and cancer

Friday December 15, 2017
Due today: 
QW: What can you and I do to prevent cancer?  Write, discuss, share

Count up quick writes, name on pages, staple, turn inWrap up cancer, begin genetics
Assessment given about cell duplication and cancer next week.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Agenda Monday December 4, 2017- Friday December 8, 2017

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-3.Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells. [

MS-LS1-7.Develop a model to describe how

Developing and Using Models

Modeling in 6–8 builds on K–5 experiences and progresses to developing, using, and revising models to describe, test, and predict more abstract phenomena and design systems.
  • Develop a model to describe unobservable mechanisms.
 food is rearranged through chemical reactions forming new molecules that support growth and/or release energy as this matter moves through an organism. 
Monday December 4, 2017

Due Today:  nothing
QW: How and why is this happening?
Write out the equation for photosynthesis

Retake quizzes back
Check Cornell notes

Comparing photosynthesis and respiration

Homework: community service hours AND 
reflection on photosynthesis- drawing, poem, song, comic strip, or  graphic organizer p 31

must show all inputs and outputs  due Tuesday

Tuesday December 5, 2017

Due today: reflection on photosynthesis
QW:  How is eating a tortilla chip ( corn, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil)  an example of both respiration and photosynthesis? 

examine seeds, record changes-both qualitative and quantitative
Draw a model of what is causing come of the seeds to grow
How do cells duplicate?
cell division 
watch video-  without sound.  What is going on?
rewatch with sound
real cell video

What does this have to do with your seeds?
Intro to DNA, chromosomes, and mitosis-Cornell notes
check seeds -4 groups at a time

Homework: Community Service Hours due next Monday-update chart

Wednesday December 6, 2017

Due today: nothing
QW: What is the cell cycle?

check seeds

model, then draw structures involved in mitosis
Creek water quality testing tomorrow
Homework: community service hours due Monday

Thursday December 7, 2017

Due today:  nothing
 QW:get out creek data table on p E
walk to creek, water quality testing

Friday December 8, 2017
Due today: nothing-community service hours due Monday
QW: What have you done for community service this fall?

Check seeds, record observations
model cell duplication

Normal cell division vs abnormal cell division
Homework: community service hours due Monday
Cancer Interview due Tuesday

p 33 in notebook
Interview 3 adults
Ask and record answers for each person

Cancer Interview

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Agenda Monday November 27, 2017-Friday December 1, 2017

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-.Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells

MS-LS1-2.Develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways the parts of cells contribute to the function. 

MS-LS1-3.Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells. [

MS-LS1-7.Develop a model to describe how

Developing and Using Models

Modeling in 6–8 builds on K–5 experiences and progresses to developing, using, and revising models to describe, test, and predict more abstract phenomena and design systems.
  • Develop a model to describe unobservable mechanisms.
 food is rearranged through chemical reactions forming new molecules that support growth and/or release energy as this matter moves through an organism. 
Monday November 27, 2017

Due Today:  nothing
QW: What were the top 3-4 foods you ate over the break?  What activities did these great foods allow you to do?

Quizes back

Intro to Photosynthesis/respiration/mitosis

pairs-6 seeds- make data table with quantitative and qualitative observations

Title: What makes a seed grow?
Purpose: To discover what are the essential factors that allow seeds to grow and turn into plants
1. Make data table
2. weigh and describe each seed-record data
3. place in ziplock bag with folded paper towel
4. attach to watering trough

Homework: community service hours

Tuesday November 28, 2017

Due today: nothing
QW: What do you think you know about photosynthesis?  What do you wonder about it?

group, put on post its

last 5 minutes-update community service hours
suggest community service projects that can be done during lunch or during BLAST

photosynthesis inputs- model mole-start

Homework: read and annotate  photosynthesis article that is taped to p 29

Wednesday November 29, 2017

Due today: reading completely annotated
QW: draw a picture that shows  photosynthesis with ALL the inputs and outputs

examine seeds, record changes-both qualitative and quantitative
1st:  Read article, annotate, summarize


3rd-read- summary poster-study overview and experimental design
include: main points, hypothesis, findings and conclusion

What are the ingredients for photosynthesis?  Record equation

Homework: REVIEW DURING LUNCH TODAY, for optional test retake Thursday at lunch-similar test.

Thursday November 30, 2017

Due today:  nothing
 QW: Draw a model of photosynthesis include ALL inputs and outputs- put on p 29 in notebook

Homework: reflection on photosynthesis- drawing, poem, song, comic strip, or  graphic organizer p 31
must show all inputs and outputs  due Tuesday

Friday December 1, 2017

Due today: reflection on photosynthesis due Tuesday
QW: How does photosynthesis affect you?  Give 3 examples
photosynthesis song

Check and weigh seeds, record observations
begin photosynthesis reflection  -detailed, colorful, must have a CONNECTION to you or the world  25 points
put on page _________

cell division 
watch video-  without sound.  What is going on?
rewatch with sound
real cell video
What does this have to do with your seeds?

draw structures involved in mitosis

Homework: reflection on photosynthesis- drawing, poem, song, comic strip, or  graphic organizer p 31
must show all inputs and outputs  due Tuesday

Monday November 13-Friday November 17,2017

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-.Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells

MS-LS1-2.Develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways the parts of cells contribute to the function. 

MS-LS1-3.Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells. [

MS-LS1-7.Develop a model to describe how

Developing and Using Models

Modeling in 6–8 builds on K–5 experiences and progresses to developing, using, and revising models to describe, test, and predict more abstract phenomena and design systems.
  • Develop a model to describe unobservable mechanisms.
 food is rearranged through chemical reactions forming new molecules that support growth and/or release energy as this matter moves through an organism. 
Monday November 13, 2017
Happy Fall Y'all
Due Today:  Cornell note answers almost done
QW: In your notes on page 22 record these definitions:
calorie=the amount of heat that raises 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius.  
A Calorie (kilo-calorie) = 1000 calories

respiration-cells break down sugars and release energy

food broken into small pieces in the digestive system, move into cells along with oxygen and are converted into energy and water

Lab Measuring Calories

Homework: begin studying notes for Thursday's quiz-memorize "cell phone"
structures, functions, terms
Quiz-organelles, diffusion, osmosis, respiration, characteristics of living things

Tuesday November 14, 2017
I am going to be friendly to 5 students I have never met today.
Due today: nothing
(3rd and 4th assembly)

QW: What happened with the chips?  Why? What does this have to do with respiration? (Check your Cornell notes )

Complete  CER chart( see p  F for prompts) and conclusion on p 24
(3rd- complete for homework)
Did materials diffuse through the egg?  Did water move through the egg via osmosis?

Make a Claim, Provide Evidence, Give Reasoning
Homework: complete Cornell Notes due Wed.

Wednesday November 15, 2017
I feel good that I work with really caring people.  What healthy thing makes you feel good?

Due today:  Cornell Notes on respiration AND C.E.R. for eggsperiment

 Test REVIEW!!!
Cell Diagram Review

QW: Define osmosis, respiration, diffusion- with works or drawings

Cell song
Review for Test
cell drawing
diffusion and osmosis
Homework: study  for test! Notes from pages 13, 20-25

Thursday November 16, 2017
What are you thankful for?

Due today:  test ready
 QW:  Any last minute questions for test? (Discussion)

Test-use manila dividers, get reading book out when done.

Sub tomorrow, be good, be kind, get an egg cellent report and you will be rewarded!

Homework: none

Friday November 17, 2017
"Osmosis Jones"


After Thanksgiving break-photosynthesis, mitosis, cancer

Friday, November 3, 2017

Agenda Monday November 6, 2017-Friday November 10, 2017

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-.Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells

MS-LS1-2.Develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways the parts of cells contribute to the function. 

MS-LS1-3.Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells. [

MS-LS1-7.Develop a model to describe how

Developing and Using Models

Modeling in 6–8 builds on K–5 experiences and progresses to developing, using, and revising models to describe, test, and predict more abstract phenomena and design systems.
  • Develop a model to describe unobservable mechanisms.
 food is rearranged through chemical reactions forming new molecules that support growth and/or release energy as this matter moves through an organism. 
Monday November 6, 2017

I am grateful for the rain, it makes me energetic.  What are you grateful for?

Due Today: notebook  updated, cell phone improvements
notebook grading 

Which of these represent diffusion and which represent osmosis?
Make two columns titled diffusion, osmosis and identify which goes in which.
Justify your answer.


Clean, measure, reweigh eggs, and place in corn syrup.
Videomicroscope-cheek cells and water plants

Homework: Update notebooks-Notebooks WILL BE COLLECTED and GRADED this week  
complete Cornell Notes-Due Thurs.

Tuesday November 7, 2017
I am going to be friendly to 5 students I have never met today.
Due today: notebooks
QW:  How is the food dehydration of persimmons an example of osmosis?

Books Cornell notes
p 25

Intro to respiration-read in book.

What is respiration?  Why do we need it?

Measure eggs and change solution

Pre-lab  plants releasing energy in food
Homework: complete Cornell Notes

Wednesday November 8, 2017
I feel good that I work with really caring people.  What healthy thing makes you feel good?

Due today:  1st period notebooks
QW:  What is respiration (check your Cornell notes)?  What characteristic of life does respiration involve?  

Under your eggsperiment data table:  Make a prediction, using your knowledge of osmosis, about what will have happened to your eggs while they were in the corn syrup or salt water solution.
change egg solution

Homework: none

Thursday November 9, 2017
I had a friend invite me to the movies last weekend.  What nice thing has someone done for you?
Due today: nothing-Cornell notes due Monday

Creek visit
water quality testing- p  E
begin CER chart 
Pre lab Measuring Calories-make data table
Whats a calorie?

Homework: none

Friday November 10, 2017

Monday, October 30, 2017

Agenda Monday October 30,2017-Friday November 3, 2017

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-1.Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells
MS-LS1-3.Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells. [

Monday October 30, 2017

Due Today: nothing
QW:  How was your behavior for the sub on Friday?  How was the classes behavior?    

periods 1-3
Plan for 3rd graders
create 3-4 slide show
2-engineering design process image-simple for 3rd graders
3-marble challenge goal

cell structures
cell processes-draw an initial model
introduce slide show-cells


Tuesday October 31, 2017
Due today: nothing  rally schedule
QW:  What are some ways to get or keep the third graders focused on our lesson?

QW:  What do these organelles do in a cell?  Use your notes if you need to.
Cell membrane, cell wall, mitochondria, ribosomes

Periods 1-3: cell analogies and finish Power Point presentations
Periods 4-6:  "cell" ebrate cells power point slide show

Homework: none

Wednesday November 1, 2017
Due today: 

cell ebrate cells slide presentation
Notebooks WILL BE COLLECTED and GRADED next week

Homework: make improvements to cell phones-taped to p 21
Due Monday

Thursday November 2, 2017
Due today: nothing
1-3 QW: What are some comments you have about your work with the 3rd graders? evaluation of teaching 3rd graders
cell processes diffusion  and osmosis
1-3 Homework: on right side of p 21 draw pictures of the process of diffusion and of osmosis

4-6 QW: Describe the photographs of the cell you put in your slide show.

Complete slide show, then add animations and change the background for credit
when done look at your diffusion and osmosis animations and be able to explain them in detail
DUE Friday at 11:59 pm.  No more class time since we will be Skyping Dr. Adams

Homework:make improvements to cell phones-taped to p 21
Due Monday
Update notebooks-Notebooks WILL BE COLLECTED and GRADED next week 

November 3, 2017
Due today: 4-6 slide show
QW: Watch video-how does this show diffusion?
2nd video
3rd video osmosis 
 4th video osmosis

In notebook on page 22-draw a model of diffusion and write what happens in diffusion
Then draw a model of osmosis and write what happens with osmosis
Record what makes them similar and what makes them different
3rd Period: P-D's team is excused from the QW

Set up egg speriment
p 23
Purpose:  To observe what materials are able to move through a selectively permeable membrane
raw egg
salt water
tape measure

date      circumference     mass     description

make improvements to cell phones-taped to p 21
Due Monday
Update notebooks-Notebooks WILL BE COLLECTED and GRADED next week