Monday, October 30, 2017

Agenda Monday October 30,2017-Friday November 3, 2017

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-1.Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells
MS-LS1-3.Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells. [

Monday October 30, 2017

Due Today: nothing
QW:  How was your behavior for the sub on Friday?  How was the classes behavior?    

periods 1-3
Plan for 3rd graders
create 3-4 slide show
2-engineering design process image-simple for 3rd graders
3-marble challenge goal

cell structures
cell processes-draw an initial model
introduce slide show-cells


Tuesday October 31, 2017
Due today: nothing  rally schedule
QW:  What are some ways to get or keep the third graders focused on our lesson?

QW:  What do these organelles do in a cell?  Use your notes if you need to.
Cell membrane, cell wall, mitochondria, ribosomes

Periods 1-3: cell analogies and finish Power Point presentations
Periods 4-6:  "cell" ebrate cells power point slide show

Homework: none

Wednesday November 1, 2017
Due today: 

cell ebrate cells slide presentation
Notebooks WILL BE COLLECTED and GRADED next week

Homework: make improvements to cell phones-taped to p 21
Due Monday

Thursday November 2, 2017
Due today: nothing
1-3 QW: What are some comments you have about your work with the 3rd graders? evaluation of teaching 3rd graders
cell processes diffusion  and osmosis
1-3 Homework: on right side of p 21 draw pictures of the process of diffusion and of osmosis

4-6 QW: Describe the photographs of the cell you put in your slide show.

Complete slide show, then add animations and change the background for credit
when done look at your diffusion and osmosis animations and be able to explain them in detail
DUE Friday at 11:59 pm.  No more class time since we will be Skyping Dr. Adams

Homework:make improvements to cell phones-taped to p 21
Due Monday
Update notebooks-Notebooks WILL BE COLLECTED and GRADED next week 

November 3, 2017
Due today: 4-6 slide show
QW: Watch video-how does this show diffusion?
2nd video
3rd video osmosis 
 4th video osmosis

In notebook on page 22-draw a model of diffusion and write what happens in diffusion
Then draw a model of osmosis and write what happens with osmosis
Record what makes them similar and what makes them different
3rd Period: P-D's team is excused from the QW

Set up egg speriment
p 23
Purpose:  To observe what materials are able to move through a selectively permeable membrane
raw egg
salt water
tape measure

date      circumference     mass     description

make improvements to cell phones-taped to p 21
Due Monday
Update notebooks-Notebooks WILL BE COLLECTED and GRADED next week 

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