Monday, October 16, 2017

draft Agenda Monday October 23, 2017- Friday October 27, 2017

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-1.Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells
MS-LS1-3.Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells. [

Monday October 23, 2017

Due Today: nothing
QW: Turn to your "Is it Living" lab.  Compare your findings with your tablemate's.  
WRITE: How did you determine if your object was living?  What were you looking for (your evidence)?  Did you have different findings from your tablemate's?


Homework: Graphic novel page-all characteristics of living things DUE WED!!

Tuesday October 24, 2017
Due today: nothing
QW: Open book p 82-83, look at these pages and compare  to the microscopes you used last week, note:
                              2-3 things that you find 
interesting, shocking, or that is new to you.

cell theory-copy from book, p 84-85, along with definition of unicellular and multi-cellular (page 19 in notebooks)

video clip
1st and 2nd period video

cell structures-compare to a factory, school, castle, etc. 

Homework: Graphic novel page, due Wednesday!! 

Wednesday October 25, 2017
Due today: graphic novel page Characteristics of living things

QW:  LIST three characteristics of a living thing on planet Earth.  Name two organs in a human body.  


  • Biological levels, review
  • Introduce cell organelles:
    • chart-structure, function
  • Make and complete "cell"phones
    • draw in space for screen
    • names  below
    • purpose and picture under squares

color and make colors match
Tape to p_21_

Thursday October 26, 2017
Due today: nothing 

QW:  Give two examples of how human health and our needs for survival are similar to a cell's needs and health. 
         ***think characteristics of life, cell theory, what humans            need for survival***
  • continue cell organelles chart:
    • structure, function
  • Make and complete "cell"phones
    • draw in space for screen
    • names  below
    • function and picture under squares

Homework: cell phones

October 27, 2017
Due today:

duplicate the drawing of diffusion, p 104 AND duplicate the drawing of osmosis, p 105 Color both

What happens when Axe perfume is sprayed in front of the room? ( do NOT do this in class)

Draw a model of what is happening in the air when Axe is sprayed

other examples of diffusion
video clip 9 seconds 

define diffusion

1 comment:

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