Monday, January 16, 2017

January 16, 2017- January 20, 2017

Monday January 16, 2017
Due today: nothing

Celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King,

Tuesday January 17, 2017
Due today: nothing

QW:  What conditions are needed for a plant to grow?  Explain what you think you know about growing plants.

p 62
Q:  What two materials will allow the potato to grow the most leaves?

Plan potato growth investigation

Intro to common genetic traits

Science investigation  background information (3 sources and their summaries) hypothesis  materials list and procedure due Friday January 20.

Wednesday January 18, 2017    (all day substitute)
Due today: nothing

QW:  Gene wheel p 161- record traits on QW and final number- compare with class

genetics vocab chart  complete on p 64 in notebook
Each term- term, definition from book and rewritten in your own words

10 minutes video clip

Science investigation  background information (3 sources and their summaries) hypothesis,  materials list and procedure due Friday January 20.

Thursday January 19, 2017
Due today: nothing
QW:  What are some traits you have in common with a parent?  With a sibling?  Physical features or personality traits.

Complete vocab chart
continue genetics information

Friday  January 20, 2017
Due today: background information, hypothesis and materials list

QW:  Explain what you are doing for your science investigation.

Chromebooks:  write procedure and make a data table

begin science investigation and collect all data

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