Friday, January 20, 2017

January 23, 2017- January 27, 2017

Monday January 23, 2017
Due today: nothing
QW:  Look at the list of traits and record 8 that you have and put a D(dominant) or R(recessive) next to each one that you recorded

eye coloring
brown eyes
grey, green, hazel, blue eyes
normal vision
normal vision
normal vision
normal vision
night blindness
color blindness*
dark hair
non-red hair
curly hair
full head of hair
widow's peak
blonde, light, red hair
red hair
straight hair
normal hairline
facial features
unattached earlobes
broad lips

no dimples
attached earlobes
no freckles
thin lips

What do the words dominant and recessive mean?

Elf traits-work in pairs, follow instructions, use 4 colored pencils, when done return ALL paper pieces to correct bags.
On p 65 in your notebook-tape the elf handout, on p 66, answer all questions from the back of the instruction sheet. 

a.  Did all four children inherit exactly the same traits? Explain.
b.  If two have the same traits, will they look exactly alike?  Explain.
c.  Would any of the children look exactly like their parents?  Explain.

Explain.Then  write a paragraph summary of the activity.   Use complete sentences. 

Homework:  conduct science investigation and record data
Vocab chart will be checked for completeness Tuesday.

Tuesday January 24, 2017
Due today: completed vocabulary chart

QW: What is the Elf Family activity designed to show?

Check and go over vocabulary chart

Drawing Punnett Squares

Homework:  conduct science investigation and record data

Wednesday January 25 , 2017  
Due today: nothing

QW: Define 
 genotype,  phenotype, dominant and recessive

draw a face based on genetic traits 

 make a Punnett square

Homework:conduct science investigation and record data

Thursday January 26, 2017
Due today: vocab chart 

QW: What is  probability?  What is the probability of a:
1.  coin landing heads up?
2.  one die rolling a 4?
3.  the bell will ring at 9:05?
4.  It will rain today?

Punnet square practice

Homework: conduct science investigation and record data

Friday  January 27, 2017
Due today:  data table with data recorded

QW:  What part of the investigation are you having concerns about, or are unsure about?

Chromebooks:    How to graph and analyze data

Homework: finish gathering data, graph and analyze the data

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