Monday, February 26, 2018

Agenda Monday February 26, 2018- Friday March 2, 2018

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-5.Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms. 
MS-LS3-1.Develop and use a model to describe why structural changes to genes (mutations) located on chromosomes may affect proteins and may result in harmful, beneficial, or neutral effects to the structure and function of the organism.
MS-LS3-2.Develop and use a model to describe why asexual reproduction results in offspring with identical genetic information and sexual reproduction results in offspring with genetic variation.

MS-LS2-2.Construct an explanation that predicts patterns of interactions among organisms across multiple ecosystems. 
 Monday February 26, 2018
Image result for emmett chappelle
Emmett Chappelle b1925
Born in Arizona to farmers, he joined the army in 1942.  He later went to medical school in Tennessee, received his M.S. in biology from U of W, and performed research at Stanford.  He is a biochemist, environmental scientist, and inventor.  He worked for NASA and aided in the creation of a safe oxygen supply for astronauts, through algae!!!!  Later, he developed techniques that are still widely used for the detection of bacteria in urine, blood, spinal fluids, drinking water and foods.  In 2007, Chappelle was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for his work on bioluminescence. 

QW:   What is the function of DNA?  What are the functions of mRNA and tRNA?  You may use your graphic organizer or textbook or notebook page 45 or 46.

Does anyone want to present their research?
Wrap up genetics
Final check on plants
    -Did either of your plants ever grow roots?  
    -Did your plants stay alive?
    -What are some factors that may have prevented growth?
    -Why (how) are plants able to grow roots directly from the stem?
check the protein homework

animals and camoflauge

quiz on Thursday

Tuesday February 27, 2018

We need an "ARCHIE" sitter for spring break
QW:   What are some ways that organisms can survive in nature?  What are some adaptations different animals have? 

How does genetics affect natural selection?
Who lives and dies
Intro to natural selection card simulation

QUIZ THURSDAY- protein synthesis- the steps and converting DNA into proteins

Wednesday February 28, 2018
We need an "ARCHIE" sitter for spring break.

Due today:  nothing
QW:  What do you think the word ADAPTATION means?  AND Write down two questions you have for the quiz tomorrow.

Continue natural selection simulation
3rd period: Canopy Meg webinar
Quiz Review: 
  • Protein Synthesis steps   (power point link), in textbook too!
    • Where is DNA/mRNA/tRNA found in the cell?
  • Translating from DNA-->mRNA-->tRNA-->amino acids
  • Information from your research on genetic disorders/cloning/gene editing
Natural selection video HHMI pocket mouse

Homework: study for quiz!!!! Changes on genetics assignment.
3rd period: Make changes to your science investigations, due next Tuesday.

Thursday March 1, 2018
Objective:  Determine how natural selection leads to adaptations in organisms.
Due today: nothing

QW:  Write at least 3 sentences explaining how genetics (including protein synthesis) and adaptations are related.

Quiz TODAY on protein synthesis

Natural selection card simulation (continued).
Natural selection video HHMI pocket mouse

Homework:  Changes on genetics assignment.
3rd period: Make changes to your science investigations, due next Tuesday.

Friday March 2, 2018
Objective: Determine how natural selection leads to adaptations in organisms.
Due today: nothing

QW: Predict how a mouse population will change if 20 white mice and 5 brown mice are let go in a dark forest environment.  Explain your reasoning.

Complete mouse simulation for white sand, and dark forest.
video HHMI pocket mouse research

Homework:  Changes on genetics assignment.
3rd period: Make changes to your science investigations, due next Tuesday.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Agenda Tuesday February 20, 2018-Friday February 23, 2018

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-5.Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms. 
MS-LS3-1.Develop and use a model to describe why structural changes to genes (mutations) located on chromosomes may affect proteins and may result in harmful, beneficial, or neutral effects to the structure and function of the organism.
MS-LS3-2.Develop and use a model to describe why asexual reproduction results in offspring with identical genetic information and sexual reproduction results in offspring with genetic variation. 
 Tuesday February 20, 2018
Image result for daniel hale williams
Dr. Daniel Hale Williams 1856-1931
Daniel Hale Williams was one of the first physicians to perform open-heart surgery in the United States and founded a hospital with an interracial staff.  Due to the discrimination of the day, African-American citizens were still barred from being admitted to hospitals and black doctors were refused staff positions. Firmly believing this needed to change, in May 1891, Williams opened Provident Hospital and Training School for Nurses, the nation’s first hospital with a nursing and intern program that had a racially integrated staff. (
Objective-How does DNA code for proteins and all structures?
Due today:nothing-tomorrow list of proteins in the home

We need an "ARCHIE" sitter for spring break
QW:  Record observations of plants in the data tables in your notebooks

Protein synthesis practice, begin game
3rd period- turn in science investigations, round table discussion of projects
begin graphic organizer tape to p 49  due Thursday

4th period Skype Joides
2nd and 4th permission slips for Wed. field trip

Homework: Find and list 6 foods in your home that have protein in them.  Record them on p 44 AND list the grams of protein in each  

Wednesday February 21, 2018
We need an "ARCHIE" sitter for spring break.
Objective-How does DNA code for proteins and all structures?

Due today:  nothing
Agenda: Chromebook slide show first period
QW: Using bullet points, write out the 4 steps for protein synthesis (you can use your notes).
DNA to protein game

Homework:   Use books p 176-179 to complete Protein synthesis graphic organizer  due Friday

Thursday February  22, 2018

Due today: nothing
Objective-How does DNA code for proteins and all structures?
QW:  Translate the following sequence from DNA to mRNA to tRNA
                 TAT CAT ATA CGT CAG TGA   OR

yellow sheet complete

Homework:   Use books p 176-179 to complete Protein synthesis graphic organizer  due Friday (1st period)

Friday February 23, 2018
Due today: graphic organizer
Objective-How does DNA code for proteins and all structures?
QW:  What might happen if protein synthesis codes incorrectly?

Check plants, make observations on asexual reproduction.

Using chromebooks, conduct online research.  Use the form in google classroom to answer all questions and SUBMIT to classroom.  

Web search for: genetic diseases, genetic disorders, or skin color.  You may choose another topic if the teacher clears it.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Agenda Monday February 12, 2018-Friday February 16, 2018

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-5.Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms. 
MS-LS3-1.Develop and use a model to describe why structural changes to genes (mutations) located on chromosomes may affect proteins and may result in harmful, beneficial, or neutral effects to the structure and function of the organism.
MS-LS3-2.Develop and use a model to describe why asexual reproduction results in offspring with identical genetic information and sexual reproduction results in offspring with genetic variation. 
Monday February 12, 2018 and Tuesday February 13, 2018
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Percy Lavon Julian 1899-1975
Was an African American research chemist and a pioneer in the chemical synthesis of medicinal drugs from plants.  His work laid the foundation for the steroid drug industry's production of cortisone, other corticosteroids, and birth control pills.  Julian received more than 130 chemical patents. He was one of the first African Americans to receive a doctorate in chemistry. He was the first African-American chemist inducted into the National Academy of Sciences, and the second African-American scientist inducted (behind David Blackwell) from any field.

Objective-How does DNA code for proteins and all structures?
Due today: nothing

We need an "ARCHIE" sitter for the 4 day weekend, and for spring break
QW:  Record observations of plants in the data tables in your notebooks

How does DNA make proteins?
Protein Synthesis notes

Notes, video clip

Homework: none.
Tuesday February 13, 2018
See Monday

We need an "ARCHIE" sitter for the 4 day weekend, and for spring break.

Wednesday February 14, 2018
We need an "ARCHIE" sitter for spring break.
Objective-How does DNA code for proteins and all structures?

Due today:  nothing
What are two things that were cool about the workshop?  And two positive things that you might try to do to make CJH better?
Notes on protein synthesis

3rd period- science investigation paper due Tuesday
Use books p 177-179 to complete Protein synthesis graphic organizer
IF you plan to enter the Chico Science Fair-online applications due by midnight Sunday.


Thursday February  15, 2018

Due today: nothing
Objective-How does DNA code for proteins and all structures?
QW:  Name five foods (other than red meat) that you think are high in protein.

Protein synthesis practice, foods with proteins, introduce lab
homework:Find and list 6 foods in your home that have protein in them.  Record them on p 44 AND list the grams of protein in each   

Friday February 16, 2018

Honor President Lincoln

Friday, February 2, 2018

Agenda Monday February 5-Friday February 9, 2018

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-5.Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms. 
MS-LS3-1.Develop and use a model to describe why structural changes to genes (mutations) located on chromosomes may affect proteins and may result in harmful, beneficial, or neutral effects to the structure and function of the organism.
MS-LS3-2.Develop and use a model to describe why asexual reproduction results in offspring with identical genetic information and sexual reproduction results in offspring with genetic variation. 
Monday February 5, 2018
Objective-Why and how an organism gets its traits.
Due today: kitty project

We need an "ARCHIE" sitter for the 4 day weekend, and for spring break
QW: Write two test questions that you think might be asked on 
Thursdays quiz
DNA sheet- terms

DNA and crime scene. Genotypes for traits
Know the difference between:  DNA, gene, allele, genotype, phenotype
3rd- check for procedure, background info. And a planned data table

Homework: Finish kitty project IF it was not turned in Monday

Tuesday February 6, 2018
Image result for ernest everett just 
Ernest Everett Just 1883-1941
Dr. Ernest E. Just was one of the first African Americans to receive worldwide recognition as a scientist.  He published at least seventy papers in the areas of cytology (structure and function of plant and animal cells), fertilization and early embryonic development (mainly in marine invertebrates).  His investigation of the movement of water into and out of living egg cells (all the while maintaining their full developmental potential) gave insights into internal cellular structure (DIFFUSION AND OSMOSIS!!!!!).

We need an "ARCHIE" sitter for the 4 day weekend, and for spring break.
Objective-Why and how an organism gets its traits.
Due today:nothing

QW:  Draw a Punnett square and find the probabilities when
Mom is heterozygous for dimples (which are dominant) Dad is homozygous recessive for dimples.
 1st, 5th, 6th Find out the culprit!

 Visual Review

Review 1/2 period

Chromebook assignment record on p 45-->PBS: RACE: The Power of an Illusion
3rd Chromebooks-science investigation background

Homework: Study for quiz on Thursday
(5th and 6th quiz on Friday)

Wednesday February 7, 2018
We need an "ARCHIE" sitter for the 4 day weekend, and for spring break.
Objective-Why and how an organism gets its traits.

Due today: 
QW:  write down two quiz questions and test your neighbor.
Set up plant cloning
Skin color alleles
Homework :  study for quiz- no retake available

Thursday February 8, 2018

Due today:  quiz preparation


Friday February 9, 2018
Due today: 
Objective-Why and how an organism gets its traits.
QW: The kitties reproduced because the parents fooled around.  That is sexual reproduction.  How do plants grow from cuttings or how do lizards regenerate  their tails?  That is called asexual reproduction.  Make some guesses how it works.

Plant cloning/observations on cuttings.
How proteins get made
notes, video clip
