Friday, February 27, 2015

Agenda 3/2/15-3/7/15

Agenda March 2, 2015-March 7, 2015

March 2, 2015
Due today: nothing



Garden 1/2 period

DNA model

discuss Wednesdays quiz

Homework: Science Investigation improvements due Tuesday March 3, 2015

March 3, 2015

Due today:  Science Investigation Improvements- attach to original



DNA structure  DNA replication

Review for Quiz
     multiple alleles, genetic disorders, chemicals that make up DNA

Homework:  Study for Quiz

March 4, 2015

Due Today: nothing




Homework: nothing

March 5, 2015

Due Today: nothing



lecture and video clip
How DNA makes proteins

Homework:  read section in book, on reflection page, draw 4 panels of protein synthesis p 178-179

March 7, 2015

Due today: nothing



Model protein synthesis

Homework: complete 4 panel drawing and coloring

Agenda 2/23/2015-2/27/2015

February 23, 2015

Due today: nothing



Wrap up genetics of skin color, read and highlight National Geographic Article-finish for homework

HW:  Finish National Geographic Article if not completed in class p 194 blood types read and summarize in notebook on same page as skin color
        Kitty Project revisions Due tuesday
 Science news Abstract due Friday Feb 27, 2015

February 24, 2015

Due today: Kitty Project Revisions



Structure of DNA

HW:  Reflection on p 52-genetics of multiple alleles due Thurs Feb 26
 Science news Abstract due Friday Feb 27, 2015 

February 25, 2015

Due today:  finished highlighting



DNA replication, modeling with PVC sections

HW:  finish reflection due Thurs Feb 26
  Science news Abstract due Friday Feb 27, 2015

February 26, 2015

Due today; reflection



Protein synthesis-video clip and lecture

Discuss creek water quality monitoring

HW:   Science news Abstract due Friday Feb 27, 2015

February 27, 2015

Due today: Science news Abstract


Big Chico Creek- water quality testing, survey for signs of bud break

HW: nothing

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Agenda 2/17/ 2015-2/20/2015

February 17, 2015

Due today: nothing, early turn in of complete report for extra credit



Troubleshoot graphs, analysis, work on conclusion for science investigation
rubric handed out for grading

HW:  science investigation due Friday
     G.A.T.E.  reading about genetics and skin color 1893 event and questions

February 18, 2015 



Computer work: genetics of skin color

Due today:  1,2,4,5  nothing
                  G.A.T.E.  reading about genetics and skin color 1893 event
HW:  National Geographic reading about skin color and genetics-facts opinions 
due Thurs
February 19, 2015

Due today: Reading  facts vs opinions highlighted-bring in draft of written report



Proofread science investigation written report , check list, attach rubric

genetics information

HW:  science investigation written report DUE FRIDAY

February 20, 2015
Due today:  written report with rubric attached

Discuss reports

DNA and chromosomes-history of discovery

Monday, February 9, 2015

Agenda 2/9/2015-2/12/2015

February 9, 2015

Due today: nothing


Quick Write

Finish work:
a)  complete genotype and phenotype chart for 4 kittens, draw and color features on them
Begin analysis and conclusion (yellow half sheet to be taped to kitty book)

Due Wednesday

b)  complete "Fashion a face"  color it and turn it in, unless you are going to finish it at home and turn in on Tuesday
Homework:  Bring in data collected for science investigation
                 finish "Fashion a face"

February 10, 2015

Due today:"Fashion a face"


Quick Write

Discuss analyzing the kitty  project
Begin graphing data for science investigation

Homework:  Kitty Project analysis and Conclusion

February 11, 2015

Due today:Kitty Project

Quick Write

Go over Cornell notes

graphing data  and analyzing data

Homework:  write science investigation report- due next week

 February 12, 2015

Due Today:  nothing


Quick Write

Chromosomes and DNA lecture
Homework:  Complete science investigation-bring in draft on Feb 17, early turn in February 17 for extra credit.  Project due February 20.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Agenda 2/ 2/2015-2/ 6,2015

February 2, 2015

Due Today:  nothing-continue working on data collection for science investigation

Quick Write

Quizes returned: optional retake Thurs at lunch

Begin kitty project
     pull alleles to determine features of your kitty
     new vocabulary:  genotype, phenotype

Homework:  biography of your kitty-due Wed,   2-3 paragraph fictional story; how you came to own your kitty, its personality, habits, toys,name

February 3, 2015

Due today: kitty biography

Quick Write

Partner with another kitty, record their genotype and phenotype, duplicate their features

draw Punnett squares for probability of offspring

Begin Cornell notes: chromosome theory of inheritance

Homework:  Cornell Notes: due Friday
                      continue working on science investigation

February 4, 2015

Due today:  kitty biography, continue working on science investigation

Quick Write:

Pull alleles for each of four offspring

Lecture:  chromosome theory of inheritance

Homework:  Draw features on each offspring, name each
                      Cornell Notes: Chromosome Theory of Inheritance

February 5, 2015

Due today:  nothing, work on science investigation


Quick Write

Go over Chromosome Theory of Inheritance

color kittens, share results

Homework:  Kitty Project summary  Due Tuesday Feb 10

February 6, 2015

Due today: nothing  data for science investigation due Feb 10


Quick Write
fashion a face


Homework:  Kitty Project Summary  Due Tues.,
                      Science Investigation data due Tues.