Friday, September 8, 2017

Agenda Monday September 11,2017-Friday 15, 2017

NGSS Standards:

MS-LS1-3.Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells. [
MS-LS1-8.Gather and synthesize information that sensory receptors respond to stimuli by sending messages to the brain for immediate behavior or storage as memories.
Monday September 11, 2017
Due Today: nothing

QW:   Which senses do you think are your strongest?  What makes you think that?

Build tactile mazes, begin to test
start notebook covers

Homework:  none
Tuesday September 12, 2017
Due today: nothing

QW:  Make a prediction about how quickly your test subjects will get through the maze.  Now make a prediction about how quickly you will go through someone elses' maze.  Explain your responses.

test tactile mazes- 2 people in class, 2 people outside of class
3 times each, record comments they made about it

Begin discussion-how to graph data

Homework: test 2 people outside of class, 3 times each 

Wednesday September 13, 2017
Due today: nothing

QW:  How could you get to your next class without your sense of touch or sight?  Is that possible?  Could you echolocate if you needed to?

examine the graph

Describe the graph- list what might be missing that needs to be included
Graphing data- graph your maze data for 3 people
check out textbooks
start notebook covers (?if there is time)

Homework: test 2 people outside of class, three times each on your maze- due Friday

Thursday September 14, 2017
Due today: nothing
QW: What is missing from this graph? Discuss and then list.
neurons and the nervous system
model, notes, drawing
notebook covers 
pre-creek discussion and plan
Homework:  test 2 people outside of class, three times each on your maze- due Friday

Friday  September 15, 2017
Due today: mazes, tested and data collected

QW: Copy this on page E
Air temp
Water temp

creek rules and walk 
Homework:  none

Next week: brain and nervous system

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